Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big changes for Big Boys!

Since my little baby isn't a baby anymore, it's time to start making a few changes. The truth is, he is a toddler now, a big boy...I mean, he's practically a teenager already! So I think it's about time to get rid of the baby-fied, animal/choo choo train bedding & transform his room into something a little more toddler appropriate.


Yep, he's still in a crib.

There is just one small problem. He's a boy. Boys always get shafted when it comes to cute clothes, cute rooms, cute toys, etc. I'll go into a children's clothing store and the entire store is pink except for the one little corner towards the back with a hint of blue. It's the same with bedding. It's either sports or superman/too babyfied or too grown up. By the way, If I had a girl, I'd be broke. (Someone was looking out for me when they gave us a boy). The options for cute girl stuff is endless! Not so much for boys.

After searching website after website, I've found some really horrible stuff & a few good things. I am so frustrated that I'm having such a hard time finding something. So, I'd love to hear what everyone thinks! Suggestions on places to find good bedding would be very helpful! Where did you find your stuff?

Here is a bit of my inspiration so far:

I love this lighting by Serena & Lily
Sumba Stool by Serena & Lily

Serena & Lily's George Collection

Vintage cowboy feat by a Domino Decorating Book

Asher by Serena & Lily


The vintage cowboy theme is probably my favorite. I love the curtains, which you can't really see very well because this is actually a picture of a picture in a book I took with my phone! There are cowboys and horses on a blue fabric. When I showed my mom this picture she said, " should probably keep looking!" So I don't think she was feeling the same vibe I was feeling!!!

Can you tell I'm loving all things Serena & Lily? I really wish I had known about them before I did Oaks' room that he has now. Anyway, there just really hasn't been anything else that has caught my attention. I am afraid however with Serena & Lily that it's not quite toddler-ish enough. Maybe too grown up? I just don't know and it's driving me BONKERS! So I need your help!

I'm not into the over the top themes like movie themes and things of that nature. I need something that is going to be a little easier on the eye (my eyes) & will grow with him. I can't be changing his room every couple of years. The hubs will not go for that. I kind of like the cowboy/western theme in moderation, sailboat themes are ok, & I'm not completely opposed to sports, but my mind always goes to "tacky" for some reason.

Help me, 


1 comment:

  1. Loren, I just love reading your posts! I couldn't agree more with you. There are NO options for BOYS! It's not fair! I love your cowboy theme idea. I understand your concern about it being too "grown up" looking, but you could still make it "toddler-ish" by throwing a stuffed animal horse or horse shaped pillow on the bed. Or, maybe even find a little cowboy hat and mount that on the wall? Just some thoughts! Hope you guys are doing great! Take care, Lindsey
