Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I need religion.


I have a problem. I like nice things. But something I like even MORE is to see nice things on a nice BUM (one bum in particular)! I have always had a thing for a man in designer jeans. I mean, I'm not talking "oh those jeans are nice"....I'm talking I get all hot and bothered & make a fool of myself over JEANS.

So although David wears red wings 90% of the time, the other 10% of the time he can actually look pretty darn sexy. ESPECIALLY when he's wearing THESE:

The farmer's bum...OW OW!
I finally talked him into getting a nice pair of jeans when we were in West Palm earlier this year. We walked into the True Religion store & I was immediately having hot flashes like there had been a heat wave. (Their air conditioning wasn't broke...it was just me getting all hot & bothered). So I grabbed a bunch of jeans off the shelf & pushed David into the dressing room. I tried to keep my calm, but when he came out of the dressing room I fell in love all over again! (Pathetic is right!) David swears that I shed a tear....but it was really just allergies. Of course he decided that he needed to share this small detail with everyone & now every time he wears these jeans around my family, they give me MORE than a hard time about crying over David in a pair of $200 jeans. 

Well let me just tell you BOYS....I know I'm not the only one that has this problem. So listen carefully....if you want to impress your woman or are still looking for one to impress...get yourself a pair of nice jeans. Yes, your gonna drop a small fortune on a little bit of fabric, BUT it's worth every penny of it. Your bum will have never looked so nice! AND just think about how many times your can wear a pair of jeans! It's not like the top you bought last year that you have already stuffed to the back of your closet (mostly you girls can understand this). PLUS they last forever. They are so durable. 

Mainly....you need to be sold on the fact that your lady or the lady you want to be your lady is going to WANT you as soon as you step out in a rockin' pair of jeans. 

OH and don't get me wrong, I don't discriminate against other designer jeans. Bums also look nice in Sevens, Citizens, etc. 

And to the woman who are actually reading this....Christmas is just around the corner & your man won't be mad at you for buying him a really expensive pair of jeans after he sees the way you look at him once he puts them on! =) (P.S. go ahead and buy you a pair too)

Trust me on this...You'll thank me later,

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